Big Admob Ads in Android


In Turkey, Admob is the only logical ad network to use for Android. I have done lots of research and choose Admob. But it has a number of problems.

First of all, it only shows little banner ads. Most of the developers use only banner ads. I guess people all around the world are happy with them. But not me!

I was using wider ads for Android tablets. They cannot be used in phones since the screen size is not enough. But later then I realized that there is a rectangular ad size and it can be used in phones as well. The screen size is very important here. If the size is not enough it just shows blank ad and it is very inappropriate for the users.

I decided to place these ads in a dialog. All the other ad networks have interstitial ads. Admob has it also but only the top developers can use it. Ridiculous. So, I create my own interstitial ads. Smile I created a Dialog and an AdView. Then set the view of the Dialog as this AdView. But the ads are not showing. What can be the problem? The problem is: there is not enough space for the ads. Smile So I remove the title and the buttons from the dialog. Users can dismiss the dialog with back button on their phones. Moreover, in activities that I use ActionBar, the dialog doesn’t go over the bar at the top. So its size shrinks. In landscape the height becomes very low. So I decided to show normal ad when the phone is in landscape.

Here is the code to display these big ads:

public AlertDialog dialog;

public void showad()
        Display disp = getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
        AdView adview;
        if(disp.getHeight() > 500 && disp.getWidth() > 250)
            adview = new AdView(getActivity(), AdSize.IAB_MRECT, "your_admob_id");
            adview = new AdView(getActivity(), AdSize.BANNER, "your_admob_id");
         adview.loadAd(new AdRequest());
        dialog = builder.create();;

Second thing I wanted to say is Admob often shows nonsense ads. But I realized that the big ads shows better ads. This was the second reason why I tried this.

By the way, this is my first post in English. When I googled “Admob” in Turkish websites, it shows nothing. There is no people in Turkey talking about how to monetize their apps. So I decided to write this post in English.

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